Biography, Career, and Achievements

Introduction to who Steven Lawton is

Steven Lawton is a multifaceted individual who blends the past and future into a captivating adventure. A self-employed software developer by day, Steven is also a professional jouster, historical interpreter, and maker. Based in the UK, Steven’s interests include fitness, vegetable growing, and maintaining an allotment.

Steven Lawton’s Professional Experience

Software Development

Steven has worked in the software development industry since 2005. He has worked with several prominent companies, including Jagex, RS Components, Nokia, Samsung, and Sainsburys. He has a robust technical understanding of hardware and software domains, with expertise in Web3, Smart Contracts, Solidity, and Machine Learning. His experience spans many development languages and cloud tools, such as GoLang, Java, Node.js, AWS, Docker, and Kubernetes.


Steven learned to ride in 2010, specifically focusing on historical equitation. Despite not growing up with horses, he has studied the art of historical riding, mainly on Iberian horses. His jousting and riding have taken him all over the UK and Europe. Highlights of his jousting career include performing at the Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace, and various English Heritage properties. His skills include classical high school dressage, riding in historically accurate armour, and engaging in mounted combat with weapons.


Steven has made numerous items for various people, including shields, horse tack, and items made from leather, wood, metal, and fabric. His versatility as a maker is evident in the diverse range of projects he has undertaken.

Personal Life

Steven is also a dedicated father of three children.

Media and Publications

Steven has been featured in numerous newspapers, TV documentaries, movies, live shows, and other media appearances. Recently, he was credited in the Netflix movie Consecration. He is also the author of The Everyday Warrior, published on Amazon. The book explores the transformative power of resilience, discipline, focus, and adaptability, offering practical strategies and insights from ancient warrior cultures.

Personal Interests

Steven’s work is also his hobby, particularly his passion for jousting. He profoundly loves IT and technology, enjoys spending time with his family, and keeps fit by running and going to the gym. Steven’s past hobbies include off-roading with a modified Land Rover Defender, camping, hiking, and being outdoors. He also loves travelling, history, reading books, making things, and researching his projects. His DIY and home improvement projects are another testament to his maker spirit. Additionally, Steven volunteers as a Scout Leader for a local Scout group, helping young people develop skills for life and positively impacting his community.

Contact Information

For more information or to contact Steven, please visit Steven’s Contact Page.

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